The Slow Coach House Blog

('Slow coach': a person who works, moves, etc slowly and who lags behind (Chambers Dictionary))

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

The Return of the Sedbergh Sheepspotter: June 2009

Ullswater from Hallin Fell

Dear friends,

After a gap of over two years the Sedbergh Sheepspotter is back. Same format: maximum one page of text (you are busy people!), mostly weblinks, to keep you in touch with what’s going on here…

The Arts
Last weekend there was a folk festival in Sedbergh:
(Previously it was held in the next village, Dent. This explains the name!)
The band I most enjoyed were Orchestra Macaroon (Galician pipes, trombone, saxophone, accordion, keyboard - joined for the night by our friend Robin on various drums!):
On the folk festival website I found an interesting collection of photos: Sedbergh Pictorial:
Happy browsing!

Food and drink
The most popular dish of the month was definitely Cartmel Sticky Toffee Pudding:
And the beer of the month? Ewes Juice brewed by Dent Brewery for the highest pub in Britain, The Tan Hill Inn:

Sport/health and fitness
I’d like to say I experienced the first via ferrata in Britain:
In fact I just saw it from a distance, crossing the notoriously steep Honister Pass. Probably, as Jack Nicholson would say, (for me at least!) that’s as close as it gets!

We visited a local farm:
As well as meeting/stroking/feeding lots of cute animals it was interesting to be able to talk to the farmer about what life is like for the farming community around here these days.

June’s walk:
From Martindale to the top of Hallin Fell with great views over Ullswater (see photo above).
Hope all is well with you and yours.
More news at the end of July.
Love, Alison