The Slow Coach House Blog

('Slow coach': a person who works, moves, etc slowly and who lags behind (Chambers Dictionary))

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Photos: Sept-Oct IV: Three walks in the Dales

In early October Barbora, Zuzana and I went for three walks in the Dales:

The first was a walk in Swaledale (photos by Zuzana)

From the village of Muker...
....home of Swaledale Woollens ( a company making mostly handmade knitwear from the wool of....

Swaledale sheep

....along the River Swale....

....from one bridge... another...

...through countryside characterised by sheep and barns...


...cattle and dry stone walls.
The second was the Ingleton waterfalls trail ( (photos by Barbora)
Pecca twin falls

Thornton Force

Triple Spout
Finally, Barbora had some especially close encounters with sheep and horses when she climbed Winder, the hill behind the Coach House! (photos by Barbora)

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