The Slow Coach House Blog

('Slow coach': a person who works, moves, etc slowly and who lags behind (Chambers Dictionary))

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Michael Morpurgo: War Horse

I was intending to post something on this yesterday but got a bit side-tracked reflecting on the issues raised by film adaptations of books - a question I did not feel competent to write about. I felt sure I would find something helpful on the subject on the web - and I did. It was this:
The author's name is Arti. She lives in Canada. This is her blog:
I recommend both the article and the blog.
Meanwhile, back to War Horse.....
Steven Spielberg's film version had its premiere on Sunday and opens in cinemas here on Friday. 
This post, however, is less about the film than the book it is based on and its author, Michael Morpurgo.
To retell the plot here would be to spoil the story for anyone planning to see the film.
So maybe just three things which make it a marvellous book:
- it's compelling...people usually use the adjective for detective stories where you can't wait to get to the end to find out "whodunnit". The urge to turn the pages is just as strong in this case. MM is a great storyteller.
- it's credible...if you could ever imagine the character of a speaking (in the sense of telling its story to the reader rather than actually talking aloud) horse  "ringing true" Joey is that horse :) From his first words, telling of the horror of being separated from his mother and sold at market aged six months, you feel for him. MM is a very empathetic writer.
- it's constructive...Joey's story "is written so that neither he nor those who knew him, nor the war they lived and died in, will be forgotten". MM is a wise teacher.
For more background on the film adaptation see:
For details of MM's other books see:
To learn more about MM as a person see:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alison, thanks so much for your mention and link to my blog Ripple Effects. You have a thoughtful blog here... I've enjoyed scrolling through your many interesting posts. Coincidentally, I'd taught English as a Second Language (ESL) here in Canada so there's something more we share other than books. Thank you for this review. You know... I went to see the movie today. :) But as I came out, I just thought maybe the book would be better. I'm curious how you think of it after you've seen it.
