The Slow Coach House Blog

('Slow coach': a person who works, moves, etc slowly and who lags behind (Chambers Dictionary))

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Paul Kingsnorth: Real England

An important and challenging book on the impact of globalisation and some attempts to limit/counteract its effects. I won’t write much as the author speaks for himself on his website (see below).

Maybe two things:

1. - - This is Real England. But it could equally be Real CR/Spain/Germany/Finland. The details may vary but the same process is affecting all of our communities....

2. - - I think the particular appeal/success of the book lies in the fact that it reaches beyond the generalities of economic/sociological theory and statistics to examine in detail seven specific contexts (pubs, waterways, local shops, farms, markets/public spaces, villages & orchards) and in each one focuses on a limited number of individual ‘case studies’. To me this makes a large scale and abstract problem very concrete and human.

Thank you for your insight(s), Paul, and over to you.....

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