The Slow Coach House Blog

('Slow coach': a person who works, moves, etc slowly and who lags behind (Chambers Dictionary))

Wednesday 8 October 2008

Language log 10

Vocabulary checklist

aluminium foil, tin foil
a bow
a car chase
(to sing in) a choir
a christmas stocking
cling film
a double bill (two films shown together)
(to have) a hole in (the sole of) your shoe
the interior of a house; interior design
a one-way street
a show off (he's a bit of a show off; verb: to show off)
your toes (on your feet), your big toe
a waistcoat

to evaluate something
to go to bed (not 'the bed')
to make/leave a good impression (on someone)
to put off, postpone (a meeting, your holiday etc)
to turn something (eg a duvet cover) inside out

Adjectives, adverbs etc
checked (material)
(to be) impressed by something/someone
on the contrary
one each
(to be) proud of yourself
sold out

to spend money on something

What's the difference between:
- to pour milk (into your coffee) and to spill milk?
- to hear and to listen to? (to hear something involuntarily; to listen to something deliberately)
- to see, look at and watch? (to see something involuntarily; to see a film/play at the cinema/theatre; look at something deliberately; watch something that continues for sometime)
- a bit and a bit of? (I'm a bit tired. Have you got a bit of paper?)

fasten (your seat belt) - t is silent
thirty and thirsty


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