The Slow Coach House Blog

('Slow coach': a person who works, moves, etc slowly and who lags behind (Chambers Dictionary))

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Language Log 2

(a) Vocabulary checklist


a bandage (obvazy)
your big toe
custard (= like Czech pudink)
a DVD/video rental/hire shop
your funny bone
gravy (sauce from the juice of roast meat)
innards (an ingredient in tlacenka)
iron (the metal)
a (dog's) lead
your liver
a masterpiece
minced meat
pegs (to hang washing on the washing line)
a plaster (on your finger if you cut yourself); a plaster(cast) (if you break a bone)
a pudding:
- can be savoury (Yorkshire pudding, steak and kidney pudding) or sweet (sticky toffee pudding)
a ram (m) and a ewe (f)
a root vegetable
a safety pin
a saw
a scoop of icecream
a screwdriver
shandy (= beer & lemonade)
a splint (dlaha)
a stabiliser (in a camera or lens)
starch (in potatoes)
thunder and lightning
a windmill; a wind turbine


to download something (from the internet)
to give someone a fright
to grate cheese/carrot/potato (noun: a grater)
to grind (wheat in a mill)
to hide something
to make a meal of something
the price of something increases/goes up/rises or falls/goes down
to rewind/fast-forward a video
to saw a piece of wood
to take a photo
to tie a knot

Adjectives, adverbs etc

from head to toe
(to be) grateful (to someone for something)
swollen (napuchly)
(to be) ticklish

Along the Czech/Polish border

Can you remember the difference between:
- to lend and to borrow?
- a recipe and a prescription?
- spice(s) (n) and spicy (adj)?
- kitchen and cooking/cookery/cuisine? (Czech....)
- deep and shallow?
- in his/her 30s and in the (19) 30s?

Things to watch:
- another (= one of many alternatives) - Dvorak is a famous Czech composer. Another famous Czech composer is Smetana.
- the other (= the only alternative) - One part of the former Czechoslovakia is now known as the Czech Republic, the other is called Slovakia.
- other (= several other alternatives) - There are many famous Czech composers. Dvorak is one, others include Smetana, Janacek and Martinu.

(b) Vocabulary for driving in the UK!

(see diagram of a car from the dictionary)

a bend in the road
car insurance
a car park (pay and display!)
cats' eyes
a (wheel) clamp; clamping
a crossroads
a driving licence
a fork in the road
a one way street; a one way system
a motorway (exit/junction number...); an A road/a main road; a B road/ a minor road
a parking fine
a pedestrian crossing; a zebra crossing
a petrol station; a garage
a right/left-hand drive car
road markings
a roundabout
a speed camera
(what's) the speed limit(?)
a T junction
traffic lights


to accelerate (noun: accelerator)
to bear left/right
to brake (noun: brake)
to change gear (noun: clutch)
to crash the gears!
to drive on the left/right
to fill the tank/car up with petrol/diesel/LPG
to give way (GIVE WAY)
to go straight on
to have priority
to put on the handbrake; to release the handbrake
to reverse
to slow down; to stop
to stall (the engine)!
to turn left/right
to turn round
to turn/switch the ignition/engine on/off


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