The Slow Coach House Blog

('Slow coach': a person who works, moves, etc slowly and who lags behind (Chambers Dictionary))

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Language log 8

Vocabulary checklist

the aisle (in a plane) - an aisle/window seat
the back of a chair
a boarding school
Chinese whispers (a game where one person whispers a phrase to the next person etc...)
consumption (e.g. of natural resources)
a contract, an agreement
the dashboard (of a car)
a drainpipe
a hedge
hand luggage
human resources
an Indian summer
(to fly) a kite
a reflection (of a tree in a river)
a rugby pitch
a tea towel
a washing line
(to have, to suffer) withdrawal symptoms

to cover for a colleague when they are off work
to erase something, to rub something out
I don't feel like doing something
to focus a camera
to forget something
to get lost
(prices) go up/rise or go down/fall
could you hold this, please?
to pop out (to the shop)
to reduce (the amount of paper in the Coach House!)
to reply to someone, to an email/letter
to stroke Oli
to take a photo(graph) of something
to take your shoes off
to treat a disease (noun = treatment)
to underestimate something
to wear (a short-sleeved shirt)
to work overtime

Adjectives, adverbs etc
addicted to...
(to be) nervous (about something)
not so much (not 'no so much')
really (hungry)
up-to-date, out-of-date (information)

to throw something in/into the bin (to throw something away)
do you want milk in your coffee?

Things to watch
- articles - when I was a child


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