The Slow Coach House Blog

('Slow coach': a person who works, moves, etc slowly and who lags behind (Chambers Dictionary))

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Language log 5

Vocabulary checklist

bankruptcy - verb to go bankrupt
a bookcase, bookshelves
a database
[to write] an essay
an explanation [not explication]
imports/exports [not importations]
a satnav
[to give someone] a shock
[serving] tongs
a witness -at a wedding

to babysit for someone
to bend your back/your knee..
to doubt [that something is true/will happen]
to fear something[fear also = noun]; to be afraid of something
to feel the cold
to go down the wrong way -it went down the wrong way
to go home [no preposition]
to have a party
help yourself!
to hesitate [whether to do something or not]
can you hold this please?
to maintain/keep up a conversation
to make someone laugh
to make a mistake
to mean something - I mean
to notice something
can you pass me the...?
to push your luck
to put the shopping away
to value somethng [not valorate]

Adjectives, adverbs etc
to be as good as someone else at doing something
every cloud has a silver lining
good thinking!
[to be] hungry [not to have hunger]
in fact
instead of
left-handed; right-handed
like chalk and cheese
well + pp: well done; well written
yesterday's newspaper


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